Pursuing girls is one of the most common things boys do, but how do you make a girl like you? Here are some chat routines for chasing girls.

1. Greetings

When starting a chat, first say hello with a friendly greeting. You can say "hello", "good morning", "good evening", etc. This will make the girl feel that you are polite and respectful.

2. Hobbies

It is important to understand a girl’s hobbies, because this can help you communicate with her better. You can ask her what she likes to do, what movies she watches, what music she listens to, etc. If you also like the same things, it's easier to find common ground.

3. Praise

Girls like to be praised, so it is necessary to appropriately praise her appearance or internal advantages during chat. But be careful not to over-exaggerate or it will appear disingenuous.

4. Humor

Humor is one of the important factors that attract girls. Adding some humorous elements to the chat can make girls feel relaxed and happy. But be careful not to make outrageous jokes or talk about topics that may offend her.

5. Ask questions

In chatting, don’t always speak by yourself, but also ask appropriate questions to understand the girl’s thoughts and feelings. This will make her feel that you care about her and are interested in her.

6. Express emotions

If you have a crush on a girl, express it bravely. You can tell her you like her with some warm words, but be careful not to be too direct or forceful.

The above are some chat routines for chasing girls, including greetings, hobbies, compliments, humor, asking questions and expressing emotions. I hope you can learn these skills and successfully pursue the girl you like.

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